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Linda Jeanette Senn-Davies

Born on November 8th, 1966 in Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Degree in Journalism & Philosophy, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Currently Hausfrau and mother of three, coping with life in a foreign culture - the beer tastes the same

Hobbies: no time for such luxuries (apart from Eastenders, repeats of Blackadder and anything else half decent on the BBC)


Linda cutting Tehya's hair (outside in mid-winter)

Linda the shop keeper

Linda and Keelan with Papi's Firetruck


Self portraits are not so easy....

Linda with Keelan and Tehya

Working on the album

Enjoing the spring sun in Etzgen

High up on the Chraisacher above Galten

Linda in party mood

Standing on our fishpond (and the fish) in Etzgen

Enjoing Paul's company in Hottwil

Cuddling with Jane in Hottwil